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Health tips for maintaining your body's health in order to avoid various diseases:

- Tips to Maintaining Health is the first body with positive minded tinking, In a healthy body there is a quiet mind and healthy too. So try to always think positive about all the problems that hit kita.Karena every problem solution.
- Tired after a long day of is one of the causes of your immune deficiencies. So the rest of your body is a very appropriate step to eliminate the fatigue.
- Get enough rest every day, is one factor to keep your body's endurance. In this case adequate and quality sleep.
- Every morning, try to always do regular exercise. It aims to maintain the condition of the body to keep fit and healthy.
- Fill fibrous foods each day. Fibrous foods are apples, carrots and nuts. The function of these fibrous foods that keep the body from bacteria.
- Always make sure that the food you eat already hygienic or has been washed with clean or thoroughly cooked perfect.
- Health tips that one is often overlooked but highly influential on health. Eat a reasonable portion do not go overboard. In fear of your body will be obese and at risk of disease associated with being overweight or obese. Appropriate calorie content contained therein.
- Meet the needs vitamin D because vitamin D works to menstimulusi immune cells to ward off viruses and bacteria. Vitamin D can be found in sunlight, eggs, liver and fish.
- Meet the needs of fluid required in the body. In this case the water healthy. Eight glasses of water per day is the amount that must be fulfilled to meet the needs of fluids in our body.
- Latest health tips is to "smile". Tips for Maintaining Healthy smile is the easiest body. This is because, with us smile then it can improve your immune system. This has been proven by experts.